Electric Car
Gwt server compile error
问题 我在GreetingService中添加了一个method,并在server中添加了实施。运行时出现一个错误 greetServlet: An IncompatibleRemoteServiceException was thrown while processing this call. com.goog...
Angular E2e Test
问题 现在需要运行e2e测试,运行命令
Oracle Note
专业术语 PGA:Program Global Area (PGA) is a memory region that contains data and control information for a server process. PGA
Domain drive design
总结 领域驱动设计(DDD: Domain Drive Design)首先也是先建模,建模的好处,是使不同部门之间沟通的桥梁,例如软件部门和需求提出部门的一致性沟通。 DDD另一个优越性,领域模型是有边界的,这句话怎么理解呢,举个例子,同一个人,他具有不同的角色,不同的角色所担负的责任是不同的,这就是边界。 我作...
专业术语 SCM (Software Configuration Management, also called Source Code/Control Management or, succinctly, version control)
Install Scrapy
Install MongoDB driver for Python
Install To use MongoDB in python, you should install the driver package ‘pymongo’
Install MongoDB on CentOS 7
FLCos: Fast Light Controlling System. This system apply to the plants which is on processing control. FLCos combines all functions of modern production manag...
Install and use MySQL on CentOS
Install For my VM is a new VM, so I don’t need to check the previous version. MYSQL version is 5.7.13 CentOS version is 7
都市喧哗 窗外雾霾扰扰,遮挡了远眺的目光,如恶魔般在大地间肆虐。 不远处高楼耸立,似乎在炫耀着繁华,殊不知在那繁华的背后,隐藏着无数的黑河。 回想起儿时的记忆,天真蓝,水干净。虽然现在比小时候舒服多了,世界也更精彩。 空气中经常飘散着一股难闻的味道,有时有些可笑的人还在争论,你那有味道,我那没有味道,沾沾自喜。 ...
天书 天地不仁以万物为刍狗 不是针对电视剧,这句话作者是不是误解了? 天地不仁,不是天地没有仁德之心,是因为天地没有感情, 以万物为刍狗,不是看不起万物,而是平等对待众生。
MVC Note
node-opcua Note
node-opcua I want to learn opcua, so I find a open source project on internet, and it is based on nodejs. I think it is easier for me, for now I’m using java...
Cannot boot with error I installed the os “NOOBs” which is recommended by official. When I boot the raspberry Pi 3. There is an error after NOOBs automatical...
Certificate Error
Cannot access web site starting with “https” Using Chrome browser, I cannot access google, facebook and so on. The page give me information that your connec...